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1871年蘇格蘭攝影師John Thomson的台灣之行,是歷史上的一次重要事件。本片從中選取一張獵人照片重新演繹此一事件。走訪西拉雅族找到說唱俱佳的萬長老,他撥弄琴弦時光回到從前。那時候身手矯健的他們在怪異機器前憋氣,久久不動。他腳邊還蹲著一個男孩與狗。導演抓取了這一角,邀請觀眾乘著好奇目光。在時光之河兩側,反覆揣想,觀看當初、未來,以及影像對島嶼的影響。

Scottish photographer John Thomson’s trip to Taiwan in 1871 is an important historical event.

In this film we selected a hunter photo to re-interpret that event and visit the Siraya tribe to find an Elder Wan, who talks and sings well, bringing us back to the past through his plucking of strings.

Then we saw the vigorous hunters holding their breath, staying very still in front of that weird machine for a long time, with a boy and a dog squatted at their feet.

The director grabbed the view of this moment and invites the audience to watch with curious eyes. On both sides of the river of time, he repeatedly speculates and watches the past, the future, and the influence of images on this island.

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